Security Realms

Each realm will be activated and configured in the same order as you listed. Available security realms are NexusAuthenticatingRealm, User-Token-Realm, NuGetApiKey, ConanToken, Crowd, DefaultRole, DockerToken, LdapRealm, NpmToken, rutauth-realm and SamlRealm.

  - NexusAuthenticatingRealm # default realm
  - NexusAuthenticatingRealm # default realm
  - DockerToken

If you’re using the nexus_oss role, you do not have to add the nexus_security_realms: variable. This role will map and transform the realm variables from the nexus_oss role for compatibility. However, if you define the nexus_security_realms with any realm other than NexusAuthenticatingRealm, the realms variables defined in the nexus_oss role will be ignored.

Our recommendation is to configure security realms using this role and not using the nexus_oss role.

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